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Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

Dust Mites

Dust Mites







Bed Bug & Flea Killer

Destroy insects yourself with Bengal's Bed Bug & Flea Killer. This 17.5-ounce product kills and controls bed bugs and hard-to-see bed bug eggs, fleas, ticks, and other small insects you don't see. It contains an insect growth regulator that acts as a birth control for fleas by preventing them from developing into egg-laying adults. It offers continuous protection against flea re-infestation for 210 days.

Price: $12.49

Indoor, Sprays

Bed Bugs, Dust Mites, Fleas, Lice & Ticks

The fast-acting formula kills bed bugs and fleas on contact. This product treats over 2,000 square feet and will not stain water-safe surfaces. For additional convenience, it simultaneously neutralizes pet odors while treating bug infestations to deliver superior results on your furniture. The product contains a 0.1% concentration of insect growth regulator, Pyriproxyfen, which mimics a natural hormone in fleas to break the lifecycle of the pests. 

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How It Works

The product contains Nylar, an insect growth regulator (IGR) similar to the naturally occuring insect growth hormone that stops flea growth or development for up to 210 Days! It kills all 4 stages of fleas: Adults, Eggs, Pupae, and Larvae 

Before spraying the suspected bed bug infestation area, remove any bedding, clothing or other obstacles that may prevent thorough inspection or treatment. You can spray it on mattress seams, edges, buttons, and tufts of the bed.

Is this product safe to spray if I have pets?

Bengal's products are safe for pets once they have dried on the surfaces, and the airborne vapors have cleared out. It is best to remove the pets from the treated area when the product is applied and keep them out until it is okay for them to return. This might be 30 minutes for Roach Spray and two hours for a carpet sprays like Full Season or Bedbug Killer.

Extra caution is advised for cats since they do not have the necessary liver enzymes to break down many pesticides. Do not get the pesticide on their food or water, and make sure that surfaces that they may contact are COMPLETELY dry.

Two hours is usually a safe interval for all the products, but may be longer in humid or chilly weather when it takes longer for the sprays to dry.

Do I spray the bed linens and pillows?

No. All linens, pillows, clothing, and other obstacles should be removed to allow the product to work thoroughly. Use as a spot treatment on mattresses, seams, edges, buttons, and tuffs.

Product Name Product Codes Download SDS
Bed Bug & Flea Killer 1021-2581-68543 87560 Download Bed Bug & Flea Killer SDS


  • Leaves a fresh, clean scent
  • Kills hard-to-see bed bug eggs
  • Will not stain water-safe surfaces
  • Neutralizes pet odors
  • Continuous flea protection for 210 days
  • Contains Insect Growth Regulator to break the life cycle of the flea

Other Solutions

Roach & Flea Fogger
Roach & Flea Fogger

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Full Season Flea Killer Plus

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Insecticide Concentrate
Insecticide Concentrate

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