How It Works
While it does not contain a "knockdown" ingredient, the viscous spray provides excellent trapping action by sticking to the insects and preventing their escape until the Permethrin has time to work.
From a safe distance, treat by soaking the nest during early morning or late evening hours for the best results. Majority of the insects will be resting on the nest during this time. Do not spray this product on electrical equipment.
Why do you have to use the Bengal Foaming Wasp & Hornet Spray can in an upright position?
Never spray a can of any Wasp & Hornet Spray in an inverted position. This will allow the compressed gas propellant to escape from the can – the pressure will be reduce from 90 psi to less than 10 psi, which renders the product useless. All Wasp & Hornet sprays have this problem, not just Bengal.
Why use Bengal Foaming Wasp & Hornet Spray versus other wasp & hornet sprays?
Bengal Foaming Wasp & Hornet Spray propels a rich foam that traps the insects preventing them from attacking you. Its unique delayed foaming action allows the product to be sprayed on to nests up to 25 feet away. It can also be sprayed carefully on shrubbery where nests have been built. Bengal Foaming Wasp & Hornet Spray should not be sprayed near electrical sockets or equipment as it is water-based and can conduct electric current. Bengal Non-Conductive Wasp & Hornet Killer should be used in these circumstances
Product Name | Registration No. | Product Codes | Download SDS |
Bengal Roach Spray II | 68543-12 | 92450 | Download Bengal Roach Spray IISDS |
Bengal Roach Spray II | 68543-12 | 92465 | Download Bengal Roach Spray IISDS |
Bengal Roach Spray II | 68543-12 | 92478 | Download Bengal Roach Spray IISDS |
Bengal Roach Spray II | 68543-12 | 96837 | Download Bengal Roach Spray IISDS |
Bengal Roach Spray II | 68543-12 | 96948 | Download Bengal Roach Spray IISDS |

Up to 25' jet spray
Foam trapping action
Kills on contact
Safe on ornamental plants and shrubs
Water-based foam