UltraDust 2X Fire Ant Killer UltraDust 2X Fire Ant Killer 1 UltraDust 2X Fire Ant Killer 2 UltraDust 2X Fire Ant Killer 3 UltraDust 2X Fire Ant Killer 4 UltraDust 2X Fire Ant Killer 5
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Fire Ants

Fire Ants













UltraDust 2X Fire Ant Killer

Keep your surroundings free of fire ants with the Bengal UltraDust 2X Fire Ant Killer. The 12-ounce can treats 75 fire ant mounds and the 24-ounce can treats 150 mounds. To ensure a fire ant-free environment, it kills the entire mound and ants overnight on contact, including the queen.

Price: $

Outdoor, Powders

Roaches, Ants, Beetles, Centipedes, Crickets, Fire Ants, Flies, Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders, Ticks & Wasps

The advanced, unique formula has a residual action that will continue to kill insects for up to 8 months to help prevent future infestations. It's faster acting than ant bait products, won't clump or absorb moisture, and will continue to work even in dewy environments or rain. It can also be used on roses and ornamental plants. For additional protection, use it as a perimeter treatment to help prevent fire ant invasions in buildings and structures. This product contains a 0.1% concentration of its active ingredient, Deltamethrin, one of the most powerful insecticides available.

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How It Works

Bengal UltraDust 2x Fire Ant Killer is a dust that kills on contact. The killing action starts immediately as the ants come into contact with the dust. Over a period of hours, the dust is spread by the ants through the colony to the queen. 

With no watering-in, this fire ant treatment is convenient and easy to use - simply sprinkle one teaspoon over the top of an average size mound (8" to 10") evenly and be sure to treat all colonies in the vicinity.

Is this product safe to use if I have pets?

Bengal's products are safe for pets once they have dried on the surfaces, and the airborne vapors have cleared out. It is best to remove the pets from the treated area when the product is applied and keep them out until it is okay for them to return. This might be 30 minutes for Roach Spray and two hours for a carpet sprays like Full Season or Bedbug Killer.

Extra caution is advised for cats since they do not have the necessary liver enzymes to break down many pesticides. Do not get the pesticide on their food or water, and make sure that surfaces that they may contact are COMPLETELY dry.

Two hours is usually a safe interval for all the products, but may be longer in humid or chilly weather when it takes longer for the sprays to dry.

Do you have to disturb the mound before treatment?

DIsturbing the mound with a long stick will speed up the time taken to kill the mound. Be careful not to allow any ants to get on your skin or clothes. Once the ants are pouring out of the disturbed mound, apply the product according to the directions. More ants come into contact with the product more quickly resulting in quicker results.

Why use fire ant dust versus other types of fire ant killing systems?

The Bengal UltraDust 2X Fire Ant Killer is both odorless – and water repellent. It does not clump or absorb moisture. The effectiveness is not ruined by light rain since the product is water repellent but heavy rains may wash the powder off the mound.

Product Name Product Codes Download SDS
Ultra Dust Fire Ant Killer 68543-26 93424 Download Ultra Dust Fire Ant Killer SDS
Ultra Dust Fire Ant Killer   93444
Ultra Dust Fire Ant Killer   93625
Ultra Dust Fire Ant Killer   93650


  • No watering-in. No clumping. Non-absorbing.
  • Kills the queen, ants, and mound overnight
  • Kills the insects for up to 8 months
  • Faster acting than bait products
  • Also use on roses and ornamental plants
  • Easy-to-use shaker canister

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